Anti-Racism Team

2021 (updated 03/06/2021)

JUSTICE: The NJ Synod's Racial Justice, Equity and Inclusion Summit took place on Saturday, February 27 via Zoom.  The next meeting is April 24th from 10-noon.  To stay connected, sign up for Jersey Jottings, a weekly e-newsletter that links to devotions and reflections, congregational mission stories, and upcoming events and activities.

Sign up by clicking here and filling out the form!   
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2021 (updated 01/08/2021)

January 16:  The Anti-Racism Team of the New Jersey Synod invites you to join the conversation that will continue, on Racial Justice, Equity, and Inclusion. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, January 16th, from 10:00 am - noon via Zoom.  To register, go to Racial Justice, Equity and Inclusion in NJ Synod

January 14:  Anti-Racism Team is meeting on Thursday, January 14 to continue our work on the book Dialogues on Race and discuss our goals moving forward.


November 7:  The New Jersey Synod’s Anti-Racism Team is inviting you to participate in A Conversation on Racial Justice, Equity & Inclusion on Saturday, November 7, 2020, from 10:00 am – noon. In this Virtual Summit via Zoom, leaders will have an opportunity to learn about synod anti-racism resources, to share ideas, to ask questions and to be inspired by each other. Register now!

September 29:  Anti-Racism Team Update:  Our team met last week and had special guest Pastor Kimberly Vaughn.  She is the assistant to the Bishop, she is coordinate Anti-racism work between congregations.  She spoke to us about the hard work we are undertaking and provided some resources to look at.  Our team is working on selecting or creating a curriculum to share with the congregation.  Our next meeting is October 13.  Email Craig if you would like an invite.  If you have any questions or would like to talk to one of us regarding thoughts and issues regarding race, please feel free to contact any one of us:  Pastor Bruce Davidson, Doug Gustavson, Chris Kosmac, Tyler Rice, Pastor Scott Schantzenbach, Craig Weinrich.

September 28:  Anti-Racism Team: will meet online at 6:45 pm on Monday, September 28. Anyone that wants to help develop strategies, classes, bible studies, book discussions, or something else to help us as a group and us as individuals learn about how systemic racism pervades our society, and how we as a church can address it, are invited to join us Monday evening. 

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